Climate change is moving much faster than we are. Atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide are higher than they have been for 800,000 years. Alarmingly, this year saw the first increase in CO2 emissions in three years. The past five years have been the hottest period on record. We are in a war for the very existence of life on our planet as we know it, but we have an important ally science and technology.
António Guterres
Secretary-General of the United Nations
Remarks at One Planet summitExternal link, December 12, 2017
logo of the CEEC Jena
On 11 December, 2019 the new EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen presented the European Green New Deal according to which Europe is to become cli-mate neutral by 2050.
A key consideration of the transi-tion towards renewable energy is the fluctuation in pow-er generation which comes with an inconstant energy source (i.e., sun and wind). These fluctuations have to be balanced by energy storage systems. In the long term, next generation energy storage materials are needed to meet the challenges of an increasingly complex energy supply.
To address this we are developing electrochemical ener-gy storage systems based on environmentally friendly raw materials sourced from within Germany and Europe.
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- Our building in Jena
Philosophenweg 7a
07743 Jena
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